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The Mistake that Teradata and Snowflake Make


Why would Teradata charge a customer $20,000,000.00 to buy an on-premises Teradata system, then tack on another $2,000,000.00 for professional services, then charge over six figures for education, and then provide a free query tool for everyone to use?

Is it possible that Teradata is giving away Teradata Studio to show their appreciation for the customer? I recently saw a Teradata salesman on a cold day with his hands in his own pockets, so it is possible, but the real reason is Teradata wants to lock you in and charge enormous costs. Teradata provides professional services, and they will happily migrate you from a Teradata on-premises system to the Teradata cloud for about $500,000.00. Unfortunately, Teradata also wants users to query as much as possible, so the traffic is so high you need to upgrade your system.

Like Teradata, Snowflake has revolutionized the computing industry. Snowflake separates the two things that scale on the AWS, Azure, and Google Clouds: CPU and storage. What a clever concept! Snowflake can instantly scale the data warehouse up or down, a term named elasticity, providing customers enormous flexibility. Another incredibly intelligent move is that customers can purchase data from Snowflake from partners that add weather, geography, or criminal data.

And Snowflake charges customers by credits purchased, allowing a company to try a Snowflake data warehouse easily and inexpensively. In addition, Snowflake's query browser on its website is advantageous because customers don't have to load software on their PC or laptop to query Snowflake. Instead, users merely log in to the Snowflake website and can immediately query. But their free query tool only works on Snowflake! In the long run, Teradata and Snowflake are making the same mistake by providing a great database engine with a rudimentary query tool that serves their interests. But don't let Teradata or Snowflake lock you into free. The cloud provides companies with many databases, each with strengths and weaknesses. So, the greatest and most disruptive technology invented for modern computing has not come from Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Teradata, or Snowflake but from Coffing Data Warehousing. We have spent 20 years building Nexus so users can query all database systems, not just one. Users can write the SQL, but Nexus will write the SQL for the user on every database platform. Customers can also use Nexus to migrate data between systems, including from Teradata on-premises to the Teradata cloud, for pennies on the dollar. And users can seamlessly join data (federated queries) across 25 different platforms.

I highly recommend Teradata and Snowflake because they are excellent databases, but I also recommend not locking yourself into using their proprietary tools. Nexus is the only tool where you can query, migrate, and federate across 25 database platforms. Software this brilliant is a thousand times more sophisticated than a tool that works on one system. f course, Teradata and Snowflake want you to query their system only, but Coffing Data Warehousing wants you to query, migrate, and federate across all systems. The greatest advantage you can give yourself is not a database with a free query tool but software that sets you free to work with all databases.

If you are preparing for the future of data, check the video below and watch Nexus join 20 tables across 20 different systems in a single federated query.

Watch Nexus join 19 Excel worksheets with a production table below.

You are about to see a video of how easy it is to use Nexus as your migration tool.

Please contact me directly to learn more about bringing Nexus into your company.

Tom Coffing CEO

Call: 513 300-0341 YouTube Channel:

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