The CEO writes the checks, but the business users attract the customers, hunt down the competition, and provide the profits. The IT staff is the pit crew that runs the analytic engine for business users. That is why it is essential to migrate data to and from Microsoft Access. Giving the users data that they can slice and dice is like giving a bone to a dog. Let the business users hunt, migrate to Access, join to anything, and slice and dice.
The problem with query tools today is that they expect you to write SQL to query a system to receive an answer set. Users need to get an answer set and slice and dice it any way they want. Every database company providing you with a query tool expects you to write another query if you need another analytic, yet, you already have the underlying data.
I designed Nexus for the most brilliant data scientists, the IT development staff, the ETL and DBA teams, and the business users. We allow you to write SQL, but we also visually show you tables, views, Excel, and Access tables and build the SQL for you.
Because data covers a wide spectrum, we query all systems, and when you get an answer set, we slice it any way you want. Once you have the underlying data, there is no need to go anywhere.
We also ensure you can migrate a table or an entire database to or from Microsoft Access. Nexus can migrate from every combination between all systems as the source or the target. How much ingenuity and brilliance do you think it took to master a few clicks of the mouse to automatically migrate or join data between:
• Microsoft Access
• Excel
• MySQL • SQLite
• Snowflake
• Redshift
• Synapse
• BigQuery
• Teradata
• Oracle
• SQL Server
• DB2
• Hadoop
• MapR
• Greenplum
• Postgres
• Vertica
• Netezza
• Yellowbrick
And when I talk about automating the process, I mean that anyone in your company can migrate a single table or an entire database of tables. I mean point-and-click and choose the source system (i.e., Oracle) and then the target system (i.e., Microsoft Access), choose the tables you want to move, and press schedule. The table structures (DDL) and the data types convert automatically, the loading scripts are built immediately, the tables create, and the data moves at high speeds. It doesn't get easier or better than that for migrations.
Our current customers don't need to migrate everything to everything or join data across 20 systems. Still, we want everyone to be aware of the technological genius of architecture it takes to pull it off and to rest comfortably, knowing Nexus can migrate and join everything they have now and in the future.
One of Nexus' advantages is customizations completed for longtime customers who are the biggest in their industry. Such as the largest manufacturer of PCs and Servers, the oldest bank with 1.9 trillion in assets, the biggest telecommunications company, the leading investment services firm with $6.83 trillion in client assets, and the American multinational courier delivery service company famous for its overnight shipping and delivery services. Find out why the big dogs hunt with Nexus and why your business users' best friend is Microsoft Access and Excel.
For more information, contact Tom Coffing at or Phone (513) 300-0341.